
Rpg maker mv action battle system
Rpg maker mv action battle system

MZ also has a map limit of 2000, while in MV it's 999 maps max. MZ has a limit of 2000 Common Events in a game, unlike MV which has max 1000 Common Events. Some of the default music in MZ has vocals and I definitely prefer it to MV's default music. Some minor improvements to event commands, mostly adding more options to the old ones, for example the Button press condition in Conditional Branch can now track more than if the button is pressed down. The possible targets for skills are also improved, for example you can make a skill that affects allies no matter if they are alive or KO'd without plugins. In MZ, you can also change an actor's or enemy's attack command skill without needing a plugin. The default battle menu is also much nicer than in MV, with character portraits being shown and such. The default UI is much better suited for Mouse controls, unlike in MV where that seems to be an afterthought. So, MZ has 3D animation support by default and all the default animations are 3D. MZ has no in-built animation editor, instead you are meant to be using a program called Effekseer, which is free. For example, you can preview an event's move route, you see all the Map Events on the current map in a neat list when you switch to Event mode, you can move the maps in the map tree freelly etc. MZ has a lot of small quality-of-life additions that make managing larger projects easier. There is an Autosave function by default that can be enabled, which saves the progress in the game after every map change and battle.


The Character Generator in MZ is improved, you can add custom colors and gradients to the generator (though the process itself is not as user-friendly as it should be), also you have an Offset tool that allows you to move the parts around somewhat, so you can move the character's eyes a bit to the right etc. Meaning, everyone takes actions when their action bar fills and you can choose the active variant where the bars keep filling and enemies take actions even when the player is choosing his actions. MZ has Time Progression battle system by default in addition to the turn based one. You still have that function in MZ if you don't care, but this is a huge bonus to people who like to make really great maps. MZ has 4 map layers that can be manually edited, MV has 2 and you can't edit them manually, the program does that automatically for you, which can cause problems. The most important difference compared to MV, but not as obvious or shiny as some other features. MZ has much better performance by default than MV, also better codebase.

Rpg maker mv action battle system